Sunday, 9 October 2016


(Independence reflection )


Jubal Free-man Dabo

It is a great thing to celebrate when there is a cause to but it is greater to reflect on a cause for celebration as we have now. I intentional choose to let the celebration go before making a post of this reflection for greater minds only. Sometimes we will call the realist unpatriotic, provided the message reaches home nothing is lost.

I ask my self what the celebration is all about and the answer was everywhere; Independence. This pushed into asking yet another Question; Are we independent.

See the kind of independence we are celebrating. The kind that allows for western influence in major decisions that concerns such an 'independent state'.

I was not there on 1/10/1960 but the present Nigeria presents me a picture of what independence we received. In the Nigeria of today while meditating on our independence I watched what really transpired Then.  I saw the white man leaving without his suitcase; I wondered whether it was generosity or what, only to realize it was still part of the plan.

All his days the master constructed railways for us that only led through the fertile ands full of natural resources to the border and the sea port.

Thanks to the master our pipe lines only run through his access roots.

Thanks to the master, we have no much save financial institutions but enough to sustain our funds and see them safely reach the foreign accounts where they are used to control everything that concerns us.

Thanks to the master we had enough electricity enough to provide sufficiently to other nations while we depend on foreign generators, inverters, and solar systems that are forbidden to be manufactured here.

Thanks to the master we have educated elite whose intelligence we cannot pay for their services.

We have schools merely a nursery and hospitals only strong enough to serve as first aid centers. There in the schools we have we set the ball rolling for excellence to an extend products of those nurseries get too intelligent that they cannot school further at home.

See what happened during colonialism and independence: the master took us up the mountain while we were still kids and taught us to use the gold we find on the mountain to stone the statue of Liberty far off across the sea, he taught us how sweet it is to be in a plane and never how to fly or manufacture one, when we eventually learned how to fly, he had secured authority over air ways, when we learned how to make the plane, he had turned our brothers against us into making home unsafe for manufacturers.

He is gone with our sense of nationhood and patriotism that we see his land as another heaven where we most save our treasures.

See what is happening now: we keep fighting over the ancient suitcase while in fact the suit is over sea, we are busy acquiring knowledge only to build the foreign land. We are a threat to each other hence stay indoor for fear each other while the master walks about freely stealing from the land. Our brothers are carried over by greed that the form a family of thieves stealing our oil and other blessings to the master.

The master have always seen us as slaves, we continue to give him reasons to believe we are. While in the land, it was the enlightened ones among us that served as interpreters, messengers and trade aids through whom we trade our treasures and able men for mirrors and cubes of sugar, now that he is gone, still the ‘blessed’ among us remind still serving the messenger role trading our blessings and bringing us doom.

More worrisome is the fact that the little goddess that comes with this illegal transactions still end up in foreign accounts to the master’s glory. At the end, I am tempted to say our security challenge is part of the plan.

If only we learn to depend on God and his blessings, our individual abilities and show gratitude by learning how to translate these blessings into meeting our needs, we will reach our worth. Nigeria has all it takes to be the richest and most powerful state yet she is this pathetic. A land with everything but nothing seems to be working. The earlier we learned to believe in our God’s given abilities and freedom, the better for us, otherwise, we are doom to walk the night.

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