Jubal Free-man Dabo
Today's Gospel reading of the Roman Catholic Church dwells on practical humility in our daily dealings. Jesus calls us to be humble first, then we would be exulted.
Man's life is moderated by to spirit, a humble spirit and proud spirit. The pride we talk of here is that accompanied by arrogance. The kind that makes you belittle everyone and make yourself a Lord over all. Pride they say presupposes a fall. Little wonder the call for all to be humble. I shall be an economist here though a philosopher by training.
Pride I concieve to mean being where one wants to be even before getting there.
This will mean self glorification, purches of praise and more of deceit. Self coronation with vain glory and emptiness soon to explore.
Pride I see also to be a sure path to to humiliation and disgrace. Or simply put, the act of being where one is yet to reach.
Humility from my point of view is being were want should be. It is the virtue of accepting who and what one is as a means to where and what one wants. Humility by this will for instance mean; a classroom teacher at the classroom teaching when he should and not at the Education Secretary's office seeking for favours when he should be in class.
It will also mean accepting one's limitations.
It is clear by this defination that a proud man can not reach his worth. For instance, if his pride raises him to a good status in the society it means he should by then be at the best.
In another dimension, it will mean that since he is already at the place even before he merits it, he cannot in truth be there. And his being there is already a humiliation taking him slowly down because though he is there he is not there. He does not blend in.
Imagine taking the place of honour at an event you are invited among others only to realize that you need to shift for a more honourable fellow than you are. Though you wilk still be at the high table but with you at heart is the feel of that humiliation, though the most honourable may say "no maintain the place I am ok here" to mean he will be at the less honourable place where you should be, it will still be the worst because deep down within you is the fact that you know you are not where you should be.
Let us now be the economists peoper. Do you know that what pride costs you is what humility saves you? With pride you are always spending much more than you earn. To be where kings are I most spend as kings spend. I should dress like them, drive there kind of cars, in public I must eat what the eat. This will quickly mean that it is easy to be proud but hard to maintain pride while it is difficult to be humble but easy to maintain humility.
Against this background, tell me how a proud civil servant that earns #25, 000 and lives like a politician can save or be able to invest reasonably within 5 years of working days. Most certainly among other factors this is why most cannot save nor invest. This is why most keep buying stuffs and not needs.
The difference between a successful man and a failure is the degree of pride in them. The humble man is able to spend and remain while the proud man spend and borrow, he buys in advance and die a deptor. Have you ever imagined why a primary school teacher is able to own a house before he retires while a politician, secondary school Teacher, or a fellow primary school teacher with far more earnings than the other primary school teacher is unable to complete his building or not having any plan at all? It is because the man with the hause was able to be humble enough to know what kind of house he can build and is able to spend enough to remain some for a house.
It is more terrible not to be humbled early in your pride. Pride cages its victim to an extend that he becomes a slave to even the little ones. With pride you are a prisoner at thesame time the jailer, with the keys to your cell in you hands you still remain caged. Remember I said above that it is difficult to maintain pride. To maintain u
Your relevance as a proud fellow you must earn enough to spend on the humble and humbled. You must eat less to feed more, you must be an enemy to yourself and friend to your opposers. You must marry frustration and pretend to be happy even in the most boiling part of the water pot.
Your glory is your doom with pride, you only survive it when you choose to state all over again and by ten your equal are Lords. This means that one step forward in pride is ten or more steps backward.
With pride you are always down but with humility you are always up. The proud may be amist kings but he will always be the one slave. He will have to save them to be with them, remain unhappy deep inside and always happy outside. He will always be working for all yet eaening nothing, not even an appreciation because he has no rights. In fact being proud is the worst of all foolish ironys.
One will have to give up his legitimate pride for a worthles price if he were to last in his pride. You will drive with thesame kings but you are still the slave. Soon you will have to wash the car, God save you if their cloths are not given you to wash. When you possibily realize your worth you would have waisted all opportunities to make it.
But the humble one is the most love, the one among many, the one gaining help.
Hello! Humility is being truthful to one's self so what has the humble to loss. When he spends he spends what he can spend, invite him to a launching he donats what he can afford that will not affect his other need.
If there is any good pretence it is the pretence to be less what or who you are.
You were taught to cut your coat acoording to your size, but in the spirit of this reflection please cut your coat a little less than your size so you can save some for another day.
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