a reaction to a Whatsapp post allegedly from CAN entitled:
It evident the Wind that blows suggests a politica era that appear a beginning to revolution the Nigerian citizinery needs which obviously the suposedly ruling class never dream it can happen given the nature of Nigeria, however, everyone is doing his best to project his goal in the fight, the opposition is pushing hard and the oppossed is defending hard her shecky seat. Given this setuation, everyone is seeking an opportunity to get back at his òpposser, while this is happening, oppotunist are taking advantage of the situation, desperate politician on the other hand using and in search of opportunities at whatever cause to win the struggle. Little wonder the game of blackmail and the likes.
What is worrisome is the attempt to use religion which of cause has bèen a vital tool of confusing Nigerians to get ends meet. This explains the mischievious use of the name CAN of recent which provocked a sense of pity for. Nigeria and Nigerians.
The Content Goes Thus:
During Babangida Regime, he sold Nigeria to (Organisation of Islamic Conference) OIC" in other to islamize nigeria with an agreement. That OIC will be supporting Nigeria Financial & materialy to accomplish their Mission. And every year nigeria will be paying interest to OIC. So from IBB's regime nigeria has been paying, until 1999 Obasanjo who is a Christain came & stopped it for 8yr's of his Tenure. Then 2007 Yara'dua came in & paid the outstanding depth of OBJ to OIC, with an interest & apology, he also paid his own from 2007 - 2010 & died. Goodluck Jonathan came in & Stop it for 6yr's now! And OIC constitution said that any member Nations that Stoped, this payment for 10yr's, will be Automatically Excommunicated! Now GEJ has ruled nigeria from 6th may 2010 - 2015. He is seeking for 2nd Tenure that will make it 10yr's. So that Nigeria will be delivered from the Blood sucking Islamic Religion. Thats why APC presidential candidate Buhari has been fighting to rule nigeria since OBJ's regime till date. Remember Nigeria 100yr's centenary was in 2014. And any Religion that start to rule from this 2015 will take dominion till the next 100yr's.I am just revealing a secret to my fellow Christains to Vote for Religion. Forget BokoHaram. OIC masterminded it to distract us, it will soon be over. Nigeria did not have the monopoly of Terrorism, Irag, Iran, Afganistan, Egypt, Parkistan, Quate, somalia etc. All this Nation has been fighting Terrorism since 80s yet... Dont personalize this secret please! make sure you send it to all your friends & everybody around. May God bless you, As you will Vote for a Christain President in Nigeria Election - 2015. Remember God will judge you for using your thumb to dig the Grave of his Church - CAN.
The post states that a Christian shòuld still maniten the presidential seat that the dept may not paid which is a yardstick for nullifying Nigerian's membership. The implication here is that of betrayal of the ideals of Christian teaching. He the author is suggestive of the fact that CAN identifies the organization of Islamic Countries as more powerful than God in that we have to manuver our way to get our nullified which presents us with a case of the inferior bowing to the superior even when the superior is wrong, this aloso suggests that CAN do not know the worth of her power which is superior to any earthly power not even the presidential power is worth comparison with that which is in us. It imples also that CAN trust more the power of the predidency than that which flows from her God. A case of misplaced identity.
My Point of View:
I feel a Christian is òne who is able to stand up strong in Faith against any prowling roaring lion (1pet. 5:8-9) and call a thing what it really is before whoever it may concern, rejecting evil frearlessly and suporting truth and fighting for it wisely in peace and bravity with total disregard to fear and earthly reward or punishment. Hence CAN will move for a gient withdrawal than the weak maradonic wait and achieve or wait till it comes style the post suggests. This will defind christianty as of cowardice. I will be very much disappointed at CAN were this to be truely authored by her authorities, however, the illogicalìty of the arguement safes the stress. This is because Christian spirit is not that of cawordice no that of timidity. Christ was not an opportunist no were his prophets, jùst as the father did not wait for the Lion of Egypt to die before taking his children out of Egypt so also Jesus did not seek for an opportunity before driving away the money changers from the temple. In that light, we see that what is good is good and evil is evil at all times in this context hence, a true Christian will fight evil the moment he understands it is evil without compromise and at whatever cost.
A true Christian will look beyond the nose and vote a Christian at heart.
I am not saying we shòuld vote A nor be, what i feel is the critique shòuld be devoid of religion but creadibility and some resonable effords towards perfection.
Nigerians must grow beyond religious fanatism, we must play politics as a game not war, we must play this game on the pitch not battle ground, we must allow reason to stand out against emotions or any affilation. We must be quik at listening but slow at talking and progressive at applying what we hear, see and think as right with wit as higher above our istincts as possible.
I hummply submitt...
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