Friday, 27 February 2015


The Promise to End Incessant Security Challenges in Southern Kaduna

Toward a critical look at Yero's reactions in our time of murnning and the present primise. Facts or fables.
 (An appeal to reason)

Òne fact is the admitance of our security challenges as "incessant". By thesame authority who promise to end it months after we have gotten over it consiquencies. Here leaving us no choice but to ask is this a sort of a mockery or what? For it is clear, our once held hope a revealed doom of our existence.

Today will mark the second day I beheld this article, i try to ignore it but it jùst will not stop provocking a sense of sympathy to those who become so flexible thàt even a visibly staged drama least the merits of a convinsing fiction take them off the track. Pèrmit me ask:

What Rendered Yero incapacitated before now?

Apeal to reason:
Insecurity in sourthern Kaduna is not a resent issue, infact, it is a dying issue cot-cee the work of nature and the metamphosies of the once Peaceful and forgiving people into a people of the battle field...

Is the wise choice to prevent or to treat. Supposing it is to treat, do you treat when the injury is àt the last stage of healing? I asure u, Great wisdom in the side of Yero is to remain silent and accept things he cannot change.

Yero should attempt a meditation on the following:

when did insecurity became topical in SK?
What is my contribution fòr or against it?
Why was i incapacitated?
Are my resons justified?
How is it possible to fight what i refused to prevent?
Am i justified now?
What is my gain and lost becouse of my being indifferent?
Am i justified?
Are my gains selfish or selfless?
Can i tell my self convinsingly that i am worth what I seek?

Will i vote my like in the case I am a poor citizen?

Those in southern Kaduna who were to be instrumental in your re-election yero, were all killed in the last attacks, (kaura LG to be presis) the little that remained to help mobilise others to ur favour were the càtualties you segregate upobn when you took the fulani/hausa victims for Better health care servise and left them to fate and the mòuners generosities.
The youth who you would have used for Your campaigns successfully apart from the decievers that surround you to Your doom are the youth Your army boys maltreated unjustly (visit the moro'a encounter)
The Royal fathers who the people would have compromise their grievancies to Your favour at their pleas are those you show a disregard to.

Little wonder, the women who would have gone on their knees for you will rather go necket in a protest against u. (sanga encounter)

Who is to blame Yero?
Whose doom is it now?


For even if you rig, even if you fource yourself on the people, two facts will never change:

1. It wil not be easy.
2. You wil never have the heart of "Your" people.

I know that is not your problem, but i put it to u. It is you consience's.

Jùst a food for thought....

#Peace KDstate.
                                            Jubal Freeman.

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